Our history

Genesis of Jungle Factory

Jungle Factory finds its roots in the creative vision of Adrien D., the founder passionate about the botanical world and the desire to merge nature with aesthetics. In June 2020, the first models were released, demonstrating the desire to create unique, handmade terrariums, providing an immersive visual experience.

Collaboration and Innovation

Maxime F., technical assistant and co-creator, brings valuable technical expertise to the team. The collaboration between Adrien and Maxime made it possible to bring innovative concepts to life, adding a technical dimension to the creativity of Jungle Factory. Together, they form a dynamic duo behind the company's success.

Evolution and Expansion

In September 2023, Jungle Factory takes a new step by launching its online store. This platform offers a carefully chosen selection of rare plants, exceptional cacti and custom-made terrariums. The opening of the online store marks a significant expansion of the company, allowing enthusiasts everywhere to discover and acquire Jungle Factory's unique creations.

The Essence of Terrariums

At the heart of the original idea is the passion for handmade terrariums. Jungle Factory terrariums are not just decorative items, but living works of art. The objective is to create calming spaces, where nature flourishes in harmonious balance. Each terrarium is meticulously designed to capture the natural aesthetic, providing a calming visual refuge from the busy everyday life.

Future Vision

At Jungle Factory, our vision is not only limited to creating exceptional botanical objects, but also to expanding our team. We firmly believe in the diversity of talents and in the creative contribution of each person. Thus, we are currently engaged in the recruitment process to expand our team, welcome new skills and explore new artistic dimensions.

Project to Open a Physical Store

Continuing our growth, we are enthusiastic about the idea of ​​realizing our plan to open a physical store. This store will be a space where our customers can not only discover our creations in person, but also immerse themselves in the Jungle Factory atmosphere. We aspire to create a place where passion for botany and art meet, providing a unique experience to our visitors.

Ecological Commitment - October 2023

From October 2023, Jungle Factory is strengthening its commitment to the planet. Aware of our ecological footprint, we have decided to donate 4% of our turnover to reforestation initiatives. This approach aims to actively contribute to the preservation of the environment and to offset our impact, by participating in the planting of trees in regions requiring ecological restoration.

L'Atelier Parisien - Cradle of Creativity

At the heart of our company, the Parisian workshop is the cradle where our unique creations are born. This space, imbued with the artistic atmosphere of the capital, is the place where imagination materializes into exceptional terrariums. We are proud to maintain our production within this workshop, thus promoting authenticity and meticulous attention to every detail in the design of our pieces. The Parisian workshop remains the symbol of our commitment to local craftsmanship and responsible creation.